Friday, October 23, 2009

Okay So Blastoff Launched Today

At 1:01 EST I was at my computer and ready to begin sending invitations to everyone I know. Calling people to let them know the invitation was coming and everything. Having developed a nice following and expecting that Blastoff anticipated the coming launch by preparing their systems was expecting more than they could deliver.

Around 2:00pm I received an email informing me of what I had already discovered. Blastoff's servers were overwhelmed and had crashed. No surprise, 100,000 members anxiously waiting to send 250 emails each through the invite system meant a huge amount of traffic. Not to mention pay per click traffic and separate email invites sent outside the email system.

Right now, perhaps like you, I am left frustrated and impatient. Not to mention as a Pre-Paid Legal associate I was told I would have two weeks to promote Blastoff prior to public launch. This has now been reduced to four 24 hour periods before Pizza Hut starts pushing this too. The pressure to grow the network, when most people have never heard of it, overwhelms me.

Personally Pizza Hut entering the scene indicates that Blastoff is gonna be for real and lends more credibility than Pre-Paid Legal alone. What seems unfortunate is the two week window being reduced to such a short time and even shorter due to slow loading times. Many of my close friends are also indicating their disappointment after a long awaited launch. Several delays later and we have this.

The pressure now increases and we must do everything possible to create a network and make money online with this prior to Pizza Hut's promotion. Rest assured I will have little rest over the next 72 or so hours as I spread the word. The time given to me to market this great opportunity will not be wasted.

There is no doubt that Blastoff will be running much smoother in a matter of days. The challenge is that by then Pizza Hut will begin sucking up a significant portion of the Blastoff network. Then what will the exclusive period for Pre-Paid Legal associates mean? Very little considering the lost network due to ill prepared servers at Blastoff.