Friday, October 16, 2009

Latest Email From Blastoff: Blastoff Network CEO Update 10/15/09

Although Blastoff was going to allow invites today, based only on information previously found on the Blastoff Network site, this email was sent to me at 11:21pm EST yesterday October 15th.

Hello PPL / Blastoff Members!

We now have close to 100,000 members and are growing every hour. We have been bombarded with questions surrounding just a few key issues which I have addressed in a video blog which can be seen by clicking the following link:

The launch is just days away - the momentum is building!


Bill Rodgers


Blastoff Network

Like you I patiently await. There are almost 100,000 members already?! Now is certainly the time to request an invitation.

Lets just calculate the potential growth of the network over the first few weeks of launch. We will just assume that everyone in the network only invites the multiplying number of people to join per week. Take a look at these very basic images.

This shows total Blastoff Network growth assuming that everyone in the network only brings in one new member per week!!

This shows total Blastoff Network growth assuming that everyone in the network only brings in three new members per week!! Note those totals that simply are not possible. Blastoff membership is limited to the United States and Canada right now. Which means roughly 350 million people.

If you are already my friend or follower on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace you will receive an invitation from me. If not, just click on the links to become my friend.

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