Thursday, October 8, 2009

Receive Cash Back When You Buy a Halloween Costume

Just in time for Halloween Blastoff members can receive cash back when shopping for costumes. One of Blastoff's partner sites is offering cash back of up to 6% to Blastoff members. If you are planning on dressing up yourself on Halloween or just dressing up your kids Blastoff is a must for a your start page. Why not get a little something back when you pick up your Halloween costumes?
Again, only Pre-Paid Legal associates currently have access to the Blastoff site. On October 12th associates can send invites to those they know. October 26th Blastoff opens so the public can join and receive discounts, cash back, and the opportunity to earn money online too.

If you are already my friend or follower on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace you will receive an invitation from me. If not, just click on the links to become my friend.

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Save And Make Money Online For Free With Blastoff

Until theBlastoff Network came along I thought I would never make any money online. With no real expertise in web design, no genius idea to begin with, and no significant capital to invest I thought I was out of luck in these regards. Constantly tempted by all the hype sites I saw I still wouldn't take the leap because I was constantly skeptical of get rich quick offers.
Over and over again I stumbled to one site after another offering some crazy way to earn money on the Internet. With all people searches, blogging kits, eBay secrets, and whatever business opportunity online that you can name. They all seem to have that enticing but ridiculously low starting price and little or no detail on exactly how they worked.
You may notice the Infinite Nothing username on this blog. is a domain I purchased nearly five years ago that still remains nothing more than a logo on my hard drive and a forwarded domain to my Blastoff site for convenience. I had dreams of creating a portal site to connect many things online with an esoteric theme which never panned out. I even have a number of html pages designed and nothing that ever impressed me.
So despite all the business opportunities I am a part of I have failed to uncover my true key to success. Spending nearly all my time at my job for eight years I earn a healthy income but I still work for someone else. Don't get me wrong, I have earned money on the side through various endeavors including Magic Kids(mostly by reselling on eBay), Pre-Paid Legal, and even doing secret shopping but nothing that has really brought me a huge fortune.
Don't get me wrong, Magic Kids and Pre-Paid Legal are excellent opportunities for those folks that are offered little opportunity in their current profession. My company just offers such an incredible earning potential as an associate that it's difficult to invest the time in my other ventures to bring them to fruition. Despite any negatives you may have heard about these companies, I have fully researched them and I assure they are legitimate. People often criticize what they do not understand and these companies operate in a non traditional manner.
Here is something good for a laugh, Blastoff already has sites claiming it is a scam! Wow, that's interesting considering that it has not even launched yet. Not to mention it is completely free to join. How exactly do you scam someone out of nothing? I am skeptical of anything that requires an investment and even some free things. The difference is, that I am willing to take the time to investigate everything and hesitant to complain about anything.
So why am I so excited about Blastoff? Blastoff has managed to create an online business opportunity for the masses. It combines social networking, internet shopping, online news, music, video, and video games in one convenient homepage. Then goes so far as to offer cash back and referral bonuses to all it's members. All this with no money up front.
There is no website to buy or create. No need to sign up as an affiliate on clickbank, linkshare, or adsense. No need to create unique and compelling content. All you do is share the savings with family and friends conveniently through an import feature linked to Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and various email sites.
You are also not asking people to buy anything they won't buy anyway. There are discounts and cash back on wireless services and phones through AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint. Cash back through travel sites like Expedia, Priceline, Travelocity, and Hotwire. Even partner sites like iTunes, Starbucks, and Tiger Direct. Buy all your stuff through Blastoff and you can receive some nice cash back.
Rest assured when this launches to the public on October 26th those without a prior invite from a Pre-Paid Legal associate will already be far behind. Pre-Paid Legal associates will have a two week exclusive period to share the site and Blastoff couldn't have picked a better organization to work with. Those I have met are on a mission to spread the word like wildfire and I am certain they will do just that. Many of us are already making money from Blastoff because our current network transfers right into the Blastoff network. Plus we have the added advantage of earning commission on a 20 level deep network versus regular Blastoff members that only earn ten levels deep.
If you haven't already done so watch the video overview without providing any contact info. Afterwards if you want an invite you can friend me on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace and you can be sure you will receive one on October 12th. This site is certain to Blastoff with over 70,000 Pre-Paid Legal associates sending invites. Make sure you get in right away. The question is not whether your friends and family will join the Blastoff network. The question is, will they join your network or someone else's first?
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Stay Informed About The Newest Releases

Yet another benefit of the Blastoff member page, as if saving and making money was not enough, is the Media section. Whether music or videos you can select your favorite channels that update automatically right on the Media section on your homepage. For music select from AOL Radio, Musicbox, FineTune, and more. Choose Youtube, Hulu, and others for video. You will always be the first to know about the newest releases. Be the first to share the newest releases when you set Blastoff as your homepage.
Reminder: Blastoff is still in pre-launch and only Pre-Paid Legal associates are able to customize their own page. If you would like an invite during the invite phase from October 12th to 26th connect with me through Twitter, Facebook, or Myspace. Otherwise you will need to await the public release on October 26th.

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Raise Money For Your Non-Profit Organization With the Blastoff Network

In these times many non-profits are struggling and in need of support. At the same time these same organizations have supporters that are in a similar position. Blastoff offers an excellent opportunity for non-profits to help themselves while helping their supporters at the same time.

When Blastoff launches some very large for-profit companies are planning on spreading the word about the service to their customers and generating revenue from the proceeds. Non-profits can not afford to miss this opportunity to raise money. By spreading the word about Blastoff to supporters of a non-profit the organization will help themselves and those that support them. The people that support them will have then an opportunity to not only save money but make money for themselves as well.

Rest assured, I have the intention of approaching non-profit organizations personally and explaining the benefit potential. Although you may not be so aggressive you quite possibly have friends that have a their own organization you could tell about this. Personally, I am a huge supporter of the local library, SPCA, and United Way. I contribute regularly to these organizations and plan to contact them directly to share the details on Blastoff. These places have email lists already and informing supporters of a partnership would be easy and free.

When Blastoff launches it will take off at rocket speead as members tell everyone they know about the service.

Blastoff is paying commissions out ten degrees of separation while there are only six degrees of separation between every human being. Take a look at the chart and imagine earning only $0.01 per month from each person in your network. If you wait til this thing hits its peak you will still save money by joining but the opportunity to make money from this will decrease. Secure your spot now and tell all those you know that this is coming before someone else does. By spreading the word right now I am now frequently receiving emails asking for more information while I reassure those I know they will receive notice first thing next Monday, October 12th. If you are already my friend or follower on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace you will receive an invitation from me. If not, just click on the links to become my friend.

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Blastoff Network Will Change the MLM Scene

Multi Level Marketing Opportunity that is completely free to join? Will never ask for an upgrade to membership? Can save me money on the stuff I plan to buy anyway?
That is completely unheard of and will soon be heard by so many people that you will definitely want to be the one that tells them.
Better yet? You don't have to pitch or present the service personally. Tell your Twitter network, Facebook and Myspace friends, and those in your gmail and yahoo address book. Click the invite friends link and you can import contacts through all these networks and send them all a message.
It cannot get any easier than this and yet you can create a network that generates residual income as far as the eye can see and farther. Even if you only earn $0.01 from each person in your network that starts with 3 people you are looking at a nice monthly figure that cost nothing upfront. The only possible exception in regards to cost is the time spent to invite your friends and family. Read the other links in this blog for links to everything and enjoy.

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