Monday, October 12, 2009

Add Your Free Post To The Free Advertising Forum

Recently discovered this free forum site that allows you to post links, ads, and details on anything you want to promote totally free. Visit this site and share your deals and opportunities. While you are there take a glance at my posts too. Thanks.

Halloween Deals
Network Marketing
Make Money Online Free
Make Money With Blastoff

Recession Means Opportunity To The Innovative

During times of financial difficulty many people are understandably dealing with significant hardship. However we must not allow feelings of despair and the negatively focused media blind us to the incredible opportunities that surround us. Many gold mines have been unearthed during recessions and they are discovered by creating solutions to the challenges we all face.

Approaching life as an opportunity to serve our fellow man has created many millionaires. Problem solving or challenge resolving, as I prefer to call it, have opened the doors of wealth to so many individuals. Businesses and individuals face challenges that virtually present in an enormous employment classified section.

What kind of service can you offer? No one should go without a job in this environment. We all offer some unique ways to assist others. We may simply need to adjust our idea of a job and perhaps remove the job mentality altogether.

We are better served by asking, how can I help others? Do you know anyone that could use help with anything? In fact if you search the Internet your certain to find something. Many times we limit ourselves by narrowing our focus to one type of job. You will discover that by exploring every category of job listings there are opportunities to help others in a wide variety of ways.

There are people looking for others to complete simple jobs like moving, small maintenance work, even cleaning. If you are unemployed you are in a great position to assist people like this. Not to mention you may make a connection that could lead that you to another full-time position. You may simply be looking for ways to make extra money in your spare time and these can present a viable option.

Many years ago a very successful gentlemen that me that it is important to create multiple streams of income. This man earns well over one million dollars a year and owns many productive companies. His companies include several locations of a free and tries business, I'm moving company, of video production company, and a few smaller side businesses. Although his income still far exceeds my own he instilled in me a sense of service and awareness of my eternal independence.

Today more people are becoming aware that they are always self employed. Whether you work from home or someone else provides you with a job you will be paid in proportion to the services you provide and the solutions you deliver. My experience is in marketing and my passion is for promoting great businesses that can help others in some way. Earning a living in a variety of ways by helping companies and individuals promote services and make money ensures that I will never be without a job.

These services include online money making and money saving opportunities promoting internet marketing companies, legal services, identity theft protection, a clean energy company, several others. You can even secret shop, take surveys, and read emails to generate additional income. In this day and age there are so many ways make money. You discover these by stepping out of your comfort zone and keeping an open mind. The best thing I have ever done was force myself into a position that forces me to seek different options aside from a regular paycheck.

Latest Email From Blastoff: Blastoff Update

This email was just received regarding the launch of the Blastoff Network:

Hi Team,
We'd like to update everyone, and let you all know we are still in the Prelaunch phase!
Bill Rogers, CEO of Blastoff, says his engineers are working night and day to get our invitation emails Spam Compliant.

Blastoff is preparing for 50 million out-going emails from Phase 1! They have been in contact with Google, Yahoo, and AOL, to let them know about our launch, and what to expect, so we do not get blacklisted. Our goal is to have NO Interruptions. We're still expecting to launch phase 1 this week.

This sounds like the perfect opportunity to mention that Blastoff will limit invites to 250 daily. I have already received so many requests for an invitation at launch that it is important that you send me a message letting me know you are serious about participating so I can ensure you receive your invitation in the first few days of launch. For all those who have already requested an invitation, you are still at the top of my priority list and there is no need to send me a second email, I assure you. Thanks

Connect with me on Facebook (Facebook is the best place to request and invitation from me), Myspace, or Twitter

Better Rewards On Vacation Packages With Blastoff

With the holiday season arriving many of us are planning a vacation to visit loved ones or even escape the harsh winter and fly south for a while. While shopping online for the best vacation deals is certainly a smart way to go a better starting destination on the internet is about to emerge. Scheduled to launch in a matter of days, the Blastoff Network, offers members cash back rewards from some of the largest travel sites on the internet.
Blastoff's merchant partners are currently offering Blastoff Network members cash back that varies anywhere from 1% to 8%. Comparing this to your credit card rewards and you will likely be impressed. Not to mention you can receive your credit card rewards while booking your stay along with your Blastoff member rewards.
Despite the short delay of Blastoff's launch it will only be a few more days before invitations for membership can be sent. When you receive you invitation you will have access to member rewards from some major players in online travel planning. They include Priceline, Hotwire, and Expedia offering complete vacation packages. You can choose a cruise or resort from, Bluebay Resorts,, and Sandals. Avis, Enterprise, and provide cash back when renting a vehicle. You can even receive cash back when you buy your luggage from or Wal-Mart and Sears, if they better fit your needs.
As you can see all your travel needs are met when you start your vacation search on Blastoff. Blastoff membership is free and if you spread the word you can even make money online. With Blastoff's invite friends feature you can tell the people you know about the incredible deals you are getting. If they choose to book their vacation through Blastoff, you get paid without spending a dime of your own money for the opportunity.

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